Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm beginning to realize how high of a pain tolerance I have.

1. Managed to make it to 7cm dialated before going to the hospital to get "checked".
2. Breastfeeding (MORE PAINFUL THAN LABOR ..ok not really.. but close)... toughed it out until magically it stopped hurting after only 2.5 weeks.
3. Stopped taking pain medicine for c-section surgery after only 5 days. And walked, bent over, did chores after 9 days.

Ironically, I will squeal when I get papercuts.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Finally. My labor story!!

I had a birth plan written, but that never came to play. Nope. Once you're in labor, anything goes.

First of all, this was my first birth and my plan was to go to the hospital near 4cm dialated and to get the epidural at 5cm. Praying to have a vaginal birth because I'm deathly afraid of being cut open.

How it started:
I had my first real contractions midnight on Wednesday. They came about 10 mins apart the entire night. I know they were real because they felt a little painful compared to the braxton hicks I've been getting. But they were still not unbearable. I set up my ipod's stopwatch and excitedly timed every contraction that night. Even updated my facebook.

Everyone got all excited thinking that Thursday was the day. I woke up, walked around, and contractions simmered to only coming once every 20 mins, then 40mins, then an hour.

At this point, everyone thought I was in false labor.

How it dragged:
Midnight rolled around again. I experienced contractions 15 mins apart the entire night, and they were a little bit more painful. Kept timing them, and got really disappointed when they would not get closer together.

Progress assured:
Friday morning came, contractions went back to only 20 mins apart. I had a regular OB appointment scheduled for today, so I was happy at least that I could get an internal. Doctor checked me and got us really excited. She assured us that if the contractions were painful - even if just a little - they were not braxton hicks. Even though they did slow down with change of activity, they were not braxton hicks. Labor sometimes starts and slows down. But I was in early labor, in fact, 2cm dialated, 70% effaced, and baby was at -1 station. Doctor says "Good cervix, for a first timer!"

So, of course we had to ask, "when?" Doc says as we expected, "you could never tell, but soon, anyday now."

But it continued with no end in sight:
We went home, hopeful, and still timing my contractions. Friday night, they came at 8 mins apart. Woke up and they were 10-15 mins apart, and were getting pretty painful. I had to sit down for these and started to concentrate on relaxing and breathing. I kept thinking and saying to my husband that something's not right, they tell you that if you have to stop your activities and concentrate on breathing, that that's when you're in active labor and you should go in. So I called labor and delivery explaining to them my situation, but all they would say is, "we want you to come in only when your contractions are 5 mins apart for at least 1 or 2 hours."
I said, but "I'm doubled over in pain, and I can barely breath through them anymore?? Isn't there anything I or anyone can do?" I'm sure they thought I was just a wussy. I mean how many pregnant ladies go in there every day screaming and wailing for pani meds when they're only 1 or 2 cms?

She said, "it's cruel isn't it? but take a warm bath, and just breath. We can probably give you some drugs so you can sleep, but to be admitted, you would need to be in established active labor."

So I gave up the idea of going in... and thought I would just labor at home with no end in sight and in constant pain. Everytime a contraction came, especially at night when I tried to sleep, I would jolt out of my seat (I'm can no longer lay in bed now it's that bad), and start to pant and moan in pain.

Funny thing is, because my contractions were so far apart still, my husband thought I was probably only near 3cms and was just being really overly dramatic lol. I actually thought so myself! I was thinking, I can NOT believe that this is still early labor. How much more painful is this going to get before I can go to the hospital and get some relief?? I really didn't think I was going to last another night.

Well, Saturday night came. Holy crap the contractions were so bad, my body was convulsing and spasming. I no longer had the ability to even breath. They were coming every 6 to 8 minutes, lasting at least 1 minute. I stayed in the recliner to try to sleep as I have not been able to for 5 days straight now. Then stayed in a warm bath for 2 hours. At midnight, the contractions were finally at 5-6 mins apart. I told my husband and he finally agreed to take me to the hopsital (it's 30 mins away). I got up to get ready, and the stupid contractions went back to 10 mins apart!! LOL It was so frustrating! I told him, "please take me anyways, I really can't do this anymore. Just be fully prepared to have them send us home. But I really want to be checked."

So off we went.

We got to the parking lot, I was fully anticipating my husband to drop me off at the entrance and to get me a wheelchair. He pulls into a parking space and goes, you can walk.

I said, that's SO CRUEL!!! As you can see, he thought I was still too early and needed to use gravity to help her out. So, I actually walked to the entrance. But then I refused to walk all the way to labor and delivery which was a thousand million miles away especially when you're in pain. Plus, I said, if you walk casually into L&D, there's no way they'll admit you. You need to be in some serious pain. He agreed to wheel me up.

Labor and delivery:
I got wheeled in, a little nervous at how the staff would react because I looked perfectly fine. At that point, I only had contractions every 10 mins and could actually talk through them. They were not impressed lol. They took some time finding my file, and asked "were you here yesterday?" No! What does that mean?

But anyways, the nurse took me in a private room, hooked me up to a contraction and a heart beat monitor. We were casually still talking about what it takes for me to get admitted... and that 3 ladies have already been sent home that night because they were only at 1 or 2 cms. Then she proceeded to check my cervix. "Oh, wow, lady, you're definitely staying tonight. You're at 7cm!"

My husband and I looked at each other... in complete shock. I was of course relieved. My husband now super excited to meet his little girl. The nurse said "You fooled all of us! Came in here all calm and perfect, but you're at 7cm. The other ladies were kicking and screaming and were only at 2cm!"

I fooled myself! If I had stayed at home that night, I probably would have been pushing in the morning at home.

So it was time to decide if I should get any pain meds. Husband said "you've made it this far already..." So I waited a little bit.. until I got really really nervous about the pain during pushing, and opted to get it. An hour later, I was hooked up. It took 3 tries, but I didn't feel any pain and got immediate relief. I was not able to sleep because my body has been in complete shock and sleep deprived for 5 days. Everytime I would fall asleep my body would convulse.

Then the scary part:
Here's where things started going wrong though. I did not make much progress after getting the drug. The nurse came in every hour to check and I was stalling. She even broke my waters and that didn't do very much. I was stuck at 8cms for 4 hours.

During this time, the epidural got more and more effective, to the point where I could no longer feel my legs or move them. An hour after they last checked me at 8cms, the nurse for the next shift came to check and voila, I was complete. She asked if I felt any urge to push, or any pressure in my rectum... I said no. She did an internal and told me to push, I tried. She felt no movement. I'm completely numb - up to my pelvis.

The baby's head was already trying to squeeze through, as we could see on the heart monitor (she was beating a little erradictly). The anesthesiologist came to lower my dosage but told me it would take at least 1 to 2 hours for it to leave my system.

I asked the nurse if that was a concern because baby is already trying to come out?? She said "sure. she looks ok. Heartbeat is fine." Then told me to turn from the right to the left side for some reason I can't remember. Immediately, baby's heart rate dropped from 120 to 50. Nurse didn't say anything but gave me an oxygen mask and told me to put it on and breathe very deep breaths. The rest happened all too quickly and so I don't quite remember all the details.

Suddently another nurse walked by and asked if we needed help. The first nurse said "Yes, can I please have some help?" 5 more nurses showed up.

Baby's heartbeat would not stablize. They turned me on my right side, then on my left side. Then the heartbeat monitor came loose. We got no heartbeat. My husband's in a major panic attack and almost passed out. A house doctor came in because my doctor was in surgery. They did so many different things to try to get baby's heart rate to stablize. My responsiblity was to breath very deeply, so I focused on that. All of a sudden the house doctor tells me I need to start pushing. So with all my might and strength, I pushed. And pushed. And pushed. "Am I doing it right? is there any progress?"

"You're doing fine, let's do it again with the next contraction." So we did this 2 or three times. Until my backup doctor finally arrived who was stuck in traffic. He took at look at our progress and said "I think we're going to have to go the other route. This is going to take too long and stress the baby even more." I said "you mean, c-section?" "Yes." "Right now??" "Yes, my dear, right now!" At that moment, since I had the impression that it was a life or death situation, I thought they were going to put some general numbing medicine on my belly and cut me up right then and there. I was so scared! But they wheeled me to the surgery room and had time to prep me.

I kept asking questions like "is this going to hurt? am I going to feel the knife?" Ironically, at no point did I ask if baby was ok because I knew (probably from watching so many delivery shows on tv) that baby was going to be fine as they have the best equipments and have probably dealt with these emergency situations many times before. When my husband finally came in, I held his hand really tight and started to cry. I had an incredible urge to hold the nearest nurse's hand on my other side, but didn't.

The procedure wasn't too bad... I just felt a whole lot of pulling and pressure. They got her out in no time and she was so healthy and beautiful. Everything went without a glitch. Except the drug. I don't know if they keep giving me too much or what, but towards the end when they were stitching me up, I had trouble breathing and my chest got really really heavy. I had to take the oxygen mask off to be able to breathe. I kept asking if this was normal, I didn't get a straight answer. But the anesthesiologist lowered my medication... and I finally figured that the meds went too far up my body to my chest. I was getting so freaked out.

Anyways... scary part over, and now I have a very beautiful healthy girl. She's so perfect. This is my long labor story. Even through all the pain, and the scary parts, I'm ready for the next one.

Baby girl's stats:
Born October 5, 2009
7lbs 8oz
19.5 inches long

Friday, October 2, 2009


So what happened since yesterday morning.

Had a show.

Contractions slowed to about once an hour. Until about 12am. Started having regular contractions again 12 mins or so apart. I slept through the night, while waking up to most contractions. They were not too bad.

Got up this morning at 8am... contractions slowed to 20 mins apart... then 30 mins.

Had my regularly scheduled 40 weeks doctor's appointment... checked my cervix, voila! I'm in early labor. 2cm dilated, 70% effaced, and at -1 pelvic station. She said "good cervix esp for a first timer".

yay!!! "Could be any day now, your husband could help speed things up."

So, went home. Contractions were about 30 mins apart still. Had hubby "help".

Immediately, contractions came 20 mins apart for 2 hours and became a whole lot more intense. Wow it worked??

Since they were still pretty sparse, we decided to head out to a friend's birthday party. Nothing much progressed... until I got home... it's about 11:30pm right now and my contractions are coming 10 mins apart, and getting even more intense. I may just need to lay down with these contractions because the backaches are bad.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bloody show

I think that's what I'm seeing this morning. Bloody mucus.

More contractions

Couldn't sleep because 1. she's punching me nonstop, 2. more contractions!!

11:30, 11:35, 11:45, 12:01, 12:14, 12:34, 12:45.... they are starting to get a bit more than just "uncomfortable".

I better try to get some sleep.

I've also been peeing every hour too.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Another contraction

10:44pm another quick contraction. This time I felt a dull ache in my back.


Went for a 30 min walk with hubby today at 7pm. My body especially hip and lower back ached all over because, well I'm carrying 27 extra pounds!! and I'm so stiff lately.

Soon after, I've noticed a bit more Braxton Hicks... didn't pay any attention to them. Until 8:20pm a contraction, 8:30pm a contraction, 8:45pm a contraction. Well, is this a pattern starting??

No. After the 3rd one, nothing.

Until 9:45pm another Braxton Hicks. I think they are starting to get a little bit more intense (or is this wishful thinking??) and I get headaches with each one. How odd is that? I'm watching the clock, hoping for another one... nothing.

10:35pm just now, another contraction. This one was a quick one, not even 10 seconds, but it felt stronger.

Come on, contractions, stop teasing me!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Still pregnant

Still no signs of labor. I'm getting more Braxton Hicks ... maybe once every hour or every two hours. I wouldn't call them regular, but I do notice them coming more. Oh, having one right now.

Went for a 20 min walk today in really nice weather. Will continue to do so tomorrow. My back/shoulder hurt because all sleeping positions are uncomfortable. They're all tense. Also getting constant mild sinus headaches. I'm tired. Come on baby.

Friday, September 25, 2009

39 week check up

Well - I guess I didn't gain much at all??? The scale at the doctor's office indicated only a 6oz gain from last week. I weighted myself at home and it's true... not much gained. This is weird because 3 days ago, I was 2lbs heavier. Was this water retention?

Well, baby is still about 7lb ish... not too big. Doctor's not concerned about her size. He said I was measuring 37 inches... not sure what that means.

Her head has dropped really low in my pelvis, but she's still not engaged. My cervix has not ripen, no dilation, no effacement. I'm still getting frequent but irregular braxton hicks that are not painful. But, I have not made any progress. Doctor said to keep my appointment for next week... which is my due date!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Growth spurt!!!

I knew I was getting bigger by how much my skin was peeling and itching, just didn't know how much.

Baby had a huge growth spurt in just 3 days! Look at my belly!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

38 weeks

I swear I felt baby swim towards my pelvis last night. She continued to headbutt my bladder for several minutes until I had to use the restroom. So based on that, she might have dropped just a little.

Took a picture and I think that may be confirmed:

Also, take a good look at my ever expanding stretchmarks... my badges of honor.

Doctor said she's estimated to be about 7lbs right now.

Monday, September 14, 2009

37 week check up

Just got back from my 37w2d check up... this time the doctor checked my cervix. Nothing!

Baby hasn't dropped, no effacement, dilation, nothing. Not a thing!

It'll happen when she's ready, but I hope soon because she's getting too big and putting too much pressure on my lungs or some other critical organs, even though I'm carrying quite low. Speaking of which, every stranger guesses a boy and asks if I'm due any minute. HA, 3 more weeks! Joke's on me I guess.

I'm getting a lot more braxton hicks lately but all very random. Sometimes I notice it happens when my bladder's a bit full, and when the baby is moving too much... or if I'm laying in a weird way. They don't hurt and aren't really that uncomfortable, unless my bladder is involved. Then for 30 seconds, it feels like my bladder is going to explode.

Sunday, September 6, 2009



Lots of stretchmarks under belly but you can't see it in pictures. *sigh*

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I missed the 35 week photo :( Here's a 35 week and 3 days.

Look at it compared to 22 weeks... this is the same dress. Whew~

Friday, August 28, 2009

Second 3D ultrasound

So, spur of the moment, but we decided to take a risk and pay for another 3D ultrasound. After 32 weeks, the baby usually drops really down into your pelvis giving you a 50/50 chance of being able to see a clear picture of her face. Well we did! It was so worth it! Actually was better than the 26 week ultrasound.. since she would not move her arm out of the way, and since she was a lot smaller, the images were more unclear.

We think she has my nose and her daddy's lips. :) SO excited to meet her!

Also, she was measuring at 37weeks 3days. I'm supposed to be 34weeks 6days. She's huge!

Monday, August 24, 2009

34 weeks

34 weeks

My right foot is really swollen!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

33 weeks

Well, I missed taking the 32 week photo. Oops.

Here's 33 weeks and I don't look that much bigger.

Symptoms this week: very tired. baby is hiccuping everyday. my upper back hurts. dizzy. light headed, then heavy headed.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh, I've been slacking.

Well, here's a 31 week picture. I am 4 days late to take the 32 week one. Oops.

I'm growing outwards and not much upwards. Baby seems to have gone down a bit actually because I feel her really really low in my pelvis and I've been needing to pee more than before.
Other complains - my upper back hurts from carrying this big gut, my feet have begun to swell near the toes and balls of feet, also I'm starting to get extremely tired again.
Baby is moving a lot - and a lot stronger. You can see from the outside of my shirts her jiggling from side to side. Her movements are beginning to hurt as a matter of fact. I enjoy every one of course.
We recently had 2 baby showers from both of our works. They were so wonderful and we were showered with many many gifts from an electric swing to butt creams to handmade blankies!
On preparations - I've been reading a lot on labor, natural and attended a class on anesthesia. I have a much better idea of what I would like for my birth plan, and have a goal of not getting an epidural until 5 cm dialated. (we'll see!)
No, I have not packed my hospital bag and no, the nursery is not finished! So much to do and there's only 7 weeks left. Yikes.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

29 weeks

29 weeks:

wow another week! another inch!

She's not moving any higher, but definitely growing outwards.

This week, I'm sewing baby wipes, burp cloths, and finishing up her crib bumper... while I'm still mobile.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Could it be that icy cold glass of peach ice tea or the mountain high plate full of BBQ I had for dinner that's keepnig baby up?? She's been squirming, rolling and jabbing in the midsection non-stop, honest to god, NONSTOP for over 30-45 mins. It's 11:25 pm!! She's seriously making me tired.

She actually has been super active today all day. Beginning in the morning 6am, jabbing me while I was lying sideways - trying to tell me something hun? Then every 30 mins or so I notice her little kicks. She might have fell asleep for a little while in 15 min intervals, but by 6pm, she poked, stretched, yanked, jabbed my belly muscles all the way until probably 8pm. for 2 hours, nonstop. And now she's at it again lol

Is mommy eating too much sugar? Uh oh. :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

28 weeks

I'm getting lazy with posting huh?

Well quite a few "exciting" things happened in the last week.

Friday night, my 35 lb nephew body slammed on to the top of my belly and made me freak out the entire night and then the entire day the next day that my baby is slowly dying from placenta abruption that was internally bleeding so I couldn't tell externally. (I wasn't bleeding or having any contractions). Baby girl was having a relaxing day I guess and wasn't as active as she was the day before, so I thought that was the "decrease in fetal movement" that so many people warn you about in the 3rd trimester. It's quite scary having your first child with no previous experience to compare with!!!

But Sunday came and she was more active than ever.

Fast forward to today - what can I do to freak myself out again? Been too calm for 4 days. Let's log on to babyandbump.com (pregnancy forum) and look at some of the 3rd trimester threads. Well - 3rd time this week that someone's had a fullterm stillborn - for apparently no reason at all. They all noticed decreased fetal movements the day before their babies grew wings. So now I'm obsessively monitoring my baby's kicks and rolls - to the point where it's unhealthy.

Please baby - be a good girl and just stay put with NO complications for another 10 weeks and come out healthy. Please please please. Being pregnant is so stressful!

Oh, I gave in and officially started a baby kick count chart. Everyday around 8 or 9pm, I will jot down the beginning and end time that it takes baby to kick me 10 times. Today, it took her 18 mins. This is after I excited her with a cold glass of OJ. I'm exhausted now and need to call it a night.

Here's a 28 week belly pic I took on Sunday (a day later than usual):

In the past few days I've been feeling really heavy and out of balance. My feet are starting to swell as well. Not too noticeable by sight, but I know because my shoes start to feel small! My belly circumferance measured 35" a couple of days ago. I think it's growing about an inch a week. Also, my skin on belly started getting pink in the past few weeks, like it's slighly sunburned. I believe this is from the stretching. No itchiness just yet, and still no stretch marks. But I do have a huge patch of light skin surrounding the belly button - that I have no clue what it is. Will have to ask OB.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Third trimester!!!!!!

27 weeks today. I'm feeling many changes as I hit this milestone. In need of naps, knees & hip pain, belly feels really thin and stretched out, etc etc. Baby is very very active now (even though she had a lazy day yesterday). She's very kicky in the mornings between 7-12pm, then takes a long nap - sometimes waking up at 2-3 to exercise for a little bit, but mostly waking up at 8pm to do jumping jacks in my belly up until 11pm-12am.

Look at how shiny my belly is!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

25 - 26 weeks

I missed a week of photos last week because we've moved!



Can't believe how big I'm getting. Baby is moving up to my rib cage and so my rib area is starting to get sore. We saw her in 3D today at an ultrasound but she was completely asleep and would not move her arms away from her face. We only got about 2 good pictures. It was still worth it to be able to see her movements and see how much she's grown!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Found my measuring tape today! The highest point of my belly (at this point, my belly button) is 33 inches all around.

I was also weighed at the doctor's yesterday.... 119lb!!!!! I gained 4lbs in 2 weeks. YIKES.

weird pains

23 weeks 4 days:

Had a cramping type pain on the right side of my upper belly today from 5pm til 8 pm. The uncomfortableness increased with each inhale. It would go away for a couple of minutes, then start cramping again, then turned into a dull ache.

Since it never really intensified or came in any frequency - I'll chalk it up to ligament pulls or growing pains. My tummy has gotten a lot bigger lately.

Monday, June 8, 2009

23 weeks

Baby is active around 9-10am, 3-4pm, and 8-9pm. I guess it's the after meal effect!

23 week belly:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Regular 22 week belly pix


22 weeks:

Took some regular week to week comparison pictures.

See how the top of my belly is starting to stretch out? It is really uncomfortable. I'm getting more stretching pains from the top of my belly (thinner?) than the bottom (more skin to stretch?)

Baby is also constantly flipping and flopping, and nudging and kicking about. She has so much room to wiggle. I see my tummy bounce sometimes from her moving. <3>

Saturday, May 30, 2009

22 week belly

It's moving up.
I feel uncomfortable sitting sometimes especially after a meal because there's no room for me to curl up. My body is so filled.

We're looking forward to a 3D/4D scan in about 4 more weeks (26 weeks). It won't be for medical purposes so we're paying for it outside of insurance. It'll be worth it to get to see our girl's little face before birth.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

21 week belly

One day late today, but here's my 21 week belly.

Went camping over the weekend and boy was it uncomfortable. Although baby was kicking like crazy on Saturday morning from 6am until at least 9am. Today she's a bit more quite... resting after the trip, most likely.

Friday, May 22, 2009

21 week OB appt

OB didn't change my due date saying a week or 2 difference is not of concern. She's just going to be a bigger baby. She said at this rate, she might be 8lb full term! ahhhhh. I'm scared.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I had the most horrid dreams last night...

First, I was bleeding red blood... thought I was miscarrying.Last time I dreamt I was bleeding - I actually miscarried a few days later (6weeks)

Then I dreamt I was stuck in a malfunctioning elevator that just kept going up and down and up and down and making me really really really ill. Was on the phone with the operator and she said "I can't do anything! It's got a mind of it's own!" So I had to try to escape from the top of the elevator while it would stay idle for a second... until it realized I was trying to escape and it would run again - this time, my body was half out of the elevator.

THEN I dreamt I was driving home by myself in a really bad neighborhood and thugs kept trying to chase to mug me. And I got shot in the neck by some thug kid with a air gun???
What a string of horrible horrible dreams.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

My 20 week bump and 100th post!

20 weeks:

Time's finally flying by. I'm half way through this pregnancy.

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's a.......

PERFECTLY HEALTHY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


She's also measuring ahead at 21w and 1d. According to my LMP, I'm supposed to be 19w6d, so we'll see if my OB changes my due date when I see her next Friday!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Why thank you Jen...

My coworker decided to announce my pregnancy today by just yelling it out loud in the middle of the hall way. I admitted I was pregnant to her last week since she asked about my belly... but told her I didn't plan on telling anyone unless asked cuz I'm not one to initiate that type of conversation. So this week she saw me walk by and asked if anyone had asked, I said no, so she rolled her eyes and yelled it out loud "P is pregnant!".


I had heads poking out of cubicles staring at me from all the way down the hall, shouting things at me that I couldn't hear, I was so flushed with embarrassment. I am not the kind to attract any kind of attention and now all gazes were on me. "show us your belly!" "No! That's embarrassing!" And I quickly turned away. I don't put on a good show, especially if you catch me off guard. Awkward is my middle name! argh!

But I guess now that the cat is out of the bag, I can wear normal clothes now instead of still trying to "hide" it... even though everyone came clean and admitted that they had their suspicions and were asking behind my back (which I preferred)... I just don't enjoy any kind of attention.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

19 week belly

19 weeks:

Strangers are asking me how far along I am now... and really catching me off guard. But look at how big mah bellah is!

Less than one more week until we can start buying pink frilly things or blue masculine things.

Transition pic from 10w - 19w:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I feel like a trampoline

I can feel baby bouncing on me! Yesterday it was positioned in a way where I felt it flicking on my bladder and cervix area... I kept feeling like I had to go pee. Today, it's bouncing around the same spot, but near my skin too. Odd sensation!

We received the new doppler yesterday and all is well. Baby's heart is beating and is making a lot of whooshing sounds (moving a lot).

Saturday, May 2, 2009

18 weeks belly pics

Funny from the front I don't look preggos.

18 weeks:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Double takes and whispers

More people at work are starting to notice my belly. I can tell. They're doing sly glances down "there" when we talk, and are making double takes... or they'll talk really soft... and stop talking and smile when I show up. They're funny. Wonder how long it'll take for them to be brave and ask. I don't mind this because I'm still not ready to be open about it. Soon though.... 2 more weeks until the dating/sizing/gender scan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

16w6d belly pics

17 weeks:

Sleep is torture. I wake up with the most excruciating back pain around 5am everyday. Body pillow doesn't do much. Also my boobs are soooo painful.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm going to hell for supporting cheap labor and sweatshops but I just bought maternity clothes at wal-mart.com.

Where else am I going to find work pants for $18???? That I will only wear for 6 months!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

16w4d I know it's you baby!

I'm really feeling it tonight! Baby is pushing against my skin right around the area that I just found its heartbeat. It feels like if you were a balloon and there's something trapped inside of you pushing to find an exit. It's so stretchy, wiggly feeling. Go baby go! Work those muscles!

Monday, April 20, 2009

16w2d movements?

I think I'm feeling baby move... it's squirmy like a little fish swimming in the same spot. It's distinctively different from gas bubbles. It may be!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

16 weeks

Exactly 16 weeks today! Not much of a change in last week's belly size. I think the bumpage might be moving up though. Not much going on except I've been getting a bit tired the past week - probably from the lack of sleep (pain in shoulder/back/hip/etc from having to sleep on the side).
I got a body pillow - it does help but I think in order to rid of the muscle aches I have to stretch them out first. (yoga time).
16 week OB appointment:
Yesterday was the 16 week OB appointment - nothing monumental as I expected. She found the heartbeat (146?) and gave me a order slip for a dating/sizing scan (which will include looking at the anatomy) but it won't be until my 20th week... a whole month from now! A little disappointed, but just as we expected.
I made the appointment for Friday May 15. But I want to know now!!!
Well, I find consulation in the fact that we're in the middle of purchasing a home, so the month will go by in a flash. We have so many appointments scheduled in the next week for inspections, and signing papers, etc. Then the next next weeks will be packing and moving.... so, May will come in no time!
Can't wait to see you again baby!

Friday, April 10, 2009

15 weeks

Another week! Noticed I haven't been posting almost everyday? No news means good news right?

Doppler's working great - baby's heartbeat is louder ever day. I can hear swooshing around then the heartbeat is gone, so the baby's moving a lot, hiding from the doppler.

I'm growing still - I think the top of my belly is rounding out.

Sometimes I think I feel the movement - like little muscle spasms or my insides rumbling, or two pops of popcorn, but I'm never for sure. Maybe it'll be more recognizable later this week.

Friday is the next OB appointment. I'm definitely going to ask about having the gender scan.... wonder if I have to wait 4 weeks or not :(

15 week belly shot:

Friday, April 3, 2009

14 week belly pics

I'm growing... growing... and growing...

14 weeks:

Good news!

We got our first trimester screening results (combines your age, nuchal fold measurements, and blood test to determine risk of chromosome defects) and we’re in the clear! The ratio was something like 1:5,000 for downs and 1:10,000 for trisomy 18. Making a baby is ever so trying… but at least this is another hurdle down and we’re getting a little closer. My next OBGYN appointment is at 16 weeks in 2 weeks time. Hoping for only good news from here on out.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Someone finally asked!

Omg, totally caught me off guard, but someone asked me if I was pregnant today! A nearby coworker whom I don’t work closely with, so it’s not like she sees me all the time.. but she stops me in front of the bathroom and goes “so, are you??” and makes a belly shape with her arms. I was trying really hard to play it off – like “why? Am I getting fat??”

I’m not ready for this to become public knowledge yet because… well I’m still scared of losing the child. But this totally caught me off guard because I was just looking at myself in the mirror thinking “oh good, my clothes hide my bloated tummy pretty well – no one suspects a thing”… Then the second I walk out the door, I get this ironic question!

Her reasoning was because I’m usually so skinny and lately I’ve been wearing baggier clothing. So I kept saying “well isn’t that what’s instyle?? The flowy tops with empire babydoll waist?” She’s like “noo….. but I won’t ask anymore” cuz I was making her uncomfortable since it was obvious I wasn’t going to admit yet.

But so now I’m mentally preparing myself for more questions as I get a little bigger and bigger each week – to the point where I can’t deny anymore.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Another piece of good news

I got my culture results back today - I don't have Bacterial Vaginosis. Instead... I have Group B Strep, which is benign throughout your pregnancy and will not be treated until birth since that is when you can transmit to your child. They usually test all women for Group B Strep at 37 weeks. This is good news, but doesn't really explain that weird discharge I got for 2 days. Although it does seem like it's gone away, so... I'll just ignore it for now. My task this month is to eat as much nutrition packed foods as I can - and less feel good foods with no nutrition... oh this will be a challenge.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Doppler is worth every penny <3

I decided after receiving happy news from the first trimester screening that I was going to rent a doppler. At this point, my sickness is mostly subsided (just bloating and some very minor nausea some times during the day), and my belly sometimes shrinks. It won't be until at least 16-18 weeks that I'll get a real nice bump - so from now until then, there's nothing to reassure me that everything's fine. Well I decided to go with BellyBeats.com (in the US) because they were the only ones that costs the least renting month to month. $45 for a digital doppler which displays the rate of the heartbeat for you so you don't have to sit there and count it. Other places charge you $53 for one month, or $47 for 6 prepaid-months. So I ordered it on Friday afternoon, and to my pleasant surprise, it came Saturday morning!! BellyBeat rocks!

So the first time we tried, it took maybe about 3-4 minutes to find the baby's heartbeat. I had to aim it more towards my pubic bone. The second time (the next day lol), it took about the same time to find it but this time I was aiming more towards my belly button. Baby was pretty active too. :) Oh I'm so glad I got it.

I wonder if those popping sounds are from the baby moving around??

Friday, March 27, 2009


So my sickness in general has been much better starting 2 days ago. I don't have an upset stomach constantly anymore and when I feel nauseous, it's mild, and can be tackled immediately with food. Although, I had a huge preggo brain moment today. I was leaving the house and trying to set the alarm code, and COMPLETELY forgot what the sequence was - even though I type it in daily - and had no excuse... my hubby was like "that's unbelievable!"

Quite interesting.

Also, I can really feel my uterus now. It's very round and very bulgy in my pelvis area, and maybe about an inch above my lady patch. I also have somewhat of a real bump, whoo! During the day a lot of the bump is food and gas, but it's there at night and in the morning too, on an empty stomach. What a great yet strange feeling at the same time. It feels like someone inserted a whoppie cushion in your lower belly and is slowly inflating it. I guess I really notice it because I'm such a slender person and now my belly is being stretched like it's never been before.

Here's a new picture at 12w6d:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good news!

Everything looks great! They didn't give us specific measurements, but doctor came in after an hour of the sonogram tech scanning baby's head, abs, bladder, arms and legs, etc etc... she said "everything looks as it should, there's nothing to be of concern" In about a week they'll send us the risk factor (1 out of whatever whatever) after they also get the results to my blood test... so far so good! We're both very young - 26/28... but you never know, since I had two previous unknown m/cs... probably chromosomal defects.

We're so happy that we finally told our family and 2 close friends. It has to be done soon because I'm actually starting to show!!! We're sticking with my LMP as due date, but the tech who measured the baby's crown rump length kept getting 13w1day or 13w6day measurements. So it's a big baby??

I also think it's a boy, but that's just because our families all have boys as first child.

Anyways, here are the pictures!!!!! you can see his/her nose, lips, and chin, how adorable is that???

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Tomorrow is our first trimester screening ultrasound plus blood work! I'm so nervous for the unexpected... but we're both young and have no family history of downs... so, chances should be slim. BUT STILL.

At least it's in the morning. So, wake up, eat, see baby, hear (good) results.


Oh gosh, I'm still getting nausea at least once or twice everyday.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

12 weeks today!!

I'm 12 weeks! Can't believe and so relieved at the same time that we've made it this far! Never thought we would get here. So glad everything's fine, baby's measuring well, heart's beating great... just have one more hurdle to get over - next Wednesday for the first trimester screening. Hoping for the best outcome.

Took a belly shot this morning on an empty stomach... this is I guess my true belly.

12w empty stomach & no bloat.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Belly shots 11w6d



It's sort of an unfair comparison because 10w6d's is on an empty stomach in the morning and 11w6d's is just after a cup of water and a huge pastery... so chalk the roundness to food and bloating... cuz in the morning, it does not look this full.

They grew out of my prepregnancy bras! I had to buy a bigger size bra today because for the last 2/3 days, I felt so constricted and had to keep unhooking my bra during the day at work. I never even noticed because they looked like they fit fine.

Good news, bad news.

Bad news first:
I have Bacterial Vaginosis... I noticed it yesterday when a gush of discharge came out and it was an odd dark yellow/tannish color. With all my courage, I took a wiff super close to my nose, and yes it had a bit of a fishy odor. I have no other symptoms like itchiness, etc etc.. but got cultures done today and will get confirmed results next week. Doctor said that there's a very very very very very very very very very small chance of preterm labor in second trimester, so when I get to 2nd tri, she will prescribe me with antibiotics to clear it.

Good news:
She brought in a doppler!!! I was so excited because symptoms were started to fade and I got a little unsure if I was still pregnant or not. So in about 2 seconds of listening, we heard horses galloping! It was baby! The heartrate was at 167, so she said baby was really active at that moment. This is my first time hearing baby's heartbeat, so that was super nice.

I think I will definitely rent one for a month. She found the heartbeat so easily!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

11 weeks 5 days

Heart palpitations are more frequent in the past few days. Worse actually, because coupled with seasonal allergy, I'm getting congested and will start to cough involuntarily. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night unable to breathe because my toncils were swollen and I kept swallowing my uvula (the punching bag looking thing) in my dreams because I was struggling to breathe.

Last couple of days I also had another "scare" as my symptoms appear to be disappearing. Breasts were less tender and seemed less swollen, no morning sickness, although felt a little uncomfortable from gas, and I could no longer feel a firm area around my pubic bone that I believed to be my traveling uterus. Even though I am fully aware that around this time in the pregnancy is when the placenta takes over all hormonal production and therefore, I will start to get relief from the symptoms... you still can never be sure if it's the good reason or the bad reason.

But what are the chances now for me to lose the baby? Good solid heartbeat from 6, 8, then 10 weeks, even saw it wiggle, and it grew right on target, etc. If it doesn't work out, it would have to be because of my body killing it. *sigh* You just never know.

I didn't freak out though this time because - like I told a fellow forum member on babyandbump, symptoms do come and go - observe the progress for a week before committing an emotional response. Well, I did, and today I had nausea again in the afternoon lasting all the way until dinner time. My breasts feel fine as well... tender and swollen.

I hope you're doing well in there little baby. Mommy wants to see you in 7 months... very much.

One small thing I wanted to note: at 4pm today I had a gush of discharge that was dirty yellow in color, almost tan. That freaked me out. Wasn't sure if it was a little brown blood mixed with discharge. So I kept an eye on it for the rest of the day... and a nose too. I have a suspicion that it may be a minor infection. I can never tell. But at least I could conclude by the end of the day that it was not brown blood.

Monday, March 16, 2009

11 weeks 2 days

My "morning" sickness has taken a turn for the worst. Last night I rolled around in bed with stomach pain, much like an upset stomach, until I had to get up to crouch over the sink and started heaving for the first time ever. Nothing came out, but I did feel a little better after some burps. So, I went back to bed. Several minutes later, the nausea came back and I kind of rolled around until I found a good position where I could ignore the nausea. I know I wouldn't have been able to vomit. I've not barfed once before in this entire pregnancy.

This morning, I woke up feeling fine, until I ate breakfast. I just had bran cereal with raisins, but it’s very unsettling in my stomach and the nausea returned until I had lunch. Couple of hours after lunch, the nausea came back! Nothing helps. Or maybe I'm just supposed to eat all day, every hour? I have no appetite though. Things I enjoyed eating last week are gross this week... like string cheese, yogurt, and toast.

The only thing I noticed is my bloating is going away. Well, just in size, because in actuality, my bloating is probably what's causing all this nausea, i.e. all that gas in my tummy.

Heart palpitations:
I've been having these since Thursday of last week. This morning though, they were so frequent and so noticable that every time my heart skipped a beat or beated an extra beat, I coughed. It was like a weird reflex... since it feels like when you're sick and your chest is congested. I think they were more frequent this morning because my heartrate sped up to 100 beats per minute. Later in the afternoon, it returned to 88bpm. Right now I'm relatively relaxed I guess, beating at 84bpm. You can find your heartrate by counting your pulse (neck or wrist) for 15 seconds, then multiplying that number by 4.

I've read palpitations are quite common in pregnancies because of the increase blood flow and thus your heart working overtime... but sometimes they could mean other more serious conditions that need medical treatment. If I become more worried about them in the next few days, I'll definitely consult my OB and maybe ask for some testing (thyroid and iron).

Saturday, March 14, 2009

11 weeks

Woke up with a flat belly this morning - slept too long - was completely emptied, poor starving baby. As soon as I ate breakfast, I had a stomachache, then had to go to the bathroom. My bathroom habits have been the opposite of what normal pregnant peers go through... not once have I had constipation, quite the contrary really. One other symptom I wanted to note as it's quite obvious to me now, my nipples have gotten darker! And while they are normally inverted, they are now frequently extroverted. Oh, also my nails grow like weeds. I keep them very short because they are normally quite brittle and will bend backwards (OUCH) by accident. I just cut them several days ago and now I notice I have to cut them again.

Friday, March 13, 2009

In a textbook scenario, my "morning" sickness should start to get better starting this week or the next. I'm still getting sick at least once or twice a day. By sick I mean, some degree of loss of appetite, getting really hungry and eating a big meal that looked great before but completely regretting eating it 10 mins later because it leaves a horrible taste in my mouth and a real unsettling feeling in my tummy, getting a stomachache (I should call them gasmachaches because they're gas induced) while laying down trying to sleep or during sleep in the middle of the night, and I am still fatigued once in a while. Most common are those gasmachaches and loss of appetite, oh and the out of nowhere really hungry feeling that you can't satiate (like I'm having right now).

I'm soooo close to second trimester I can taste it... please please please please please let everything be fine. I want to have this child so bad. My husband and I are dying to meet him/her. PLEASE!

10 week 6 days

Is it unreasonable for me to still feel extremely nervous about losing this baby even after 3 beautiful ultrasounds with heartbeats and jumping jacks? I woke up in the middle of the night to pee today, I did, but it felt more like routine - like a mentally induced habit now - instead of a real physical need. So does that mean anything? Then I felt my boobs in the morning like I always do if it's not obviously in pain... and they feel a bit smaller.

:( why can't second trimester come sooner.

And I need to stop reading other people's miscarriage stories on forums.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Doppler: to rent or not...

So at the last doctor's appointment... I asked her opinion on renting dopplers. She said they're fine, except you may not hear anything until 15 weeks and up?

I'm thinking of getting one because from the time your morning sickness begin to disappear (approx. 12 weeks) until you can actually feel you baby move inside of you (20 weeks and up), you have no clue if everything is ok or not... Unless you get a super high power fetal heartbeat doppler!!

Digital ones that tell you the heartrate costs about $40-50 a month. I would probably use it for only 2 months until I begin to feel movement. So... $100? Worth it? And what if it's just one of those days that the baby is hiding from your doppler and you can't find the heartbeat? I would FUREAK. Got to think thoroughly if it's worth it or not, money wise, and mental health wise.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Belly shots

Well - the first pregnancy, I took shots of my belly every week... until I found out it wasn't going to work. Second pregnancy, I didn't even get a chance to - it ended so quickly. This time, I didn't allow myself to take any in fear of the first time repeating itself. So, I've only taken one picture so far... at 10 weeks, even though my massive bloating was at around 8 to 9 weeks.

It's all just bloating still, because if I haven't eaten in a looong time (on weekends I sleep in), I wake up with a flat belly. But during the day, I have to rubber band my pant buttons together and the tabs are about 3 inches away from each other still. No one noticed my bloat belly because I wear mostly tunics and flowy tops (thank goodness for current fashion), but at times, I can definitely look 5 months pregnant. Whew.

10 weeks (air balloon)

I have no idea why this picture is inverted, I didn't do it.

Pre-pregnancy (bye bye thin curves)

It's moving!!!!!!!! 10w3d scan

My bean has become a baby!! With arms and legs, and a very visible skull structure! Most exciting part was we saw it dance and hop and doing the body wave! It was SO amazing! This is the first time I’ve seen fetal movement and it was just so incredible to see a living moving being inside of me. Seeing it move definitely substantiated its existence and hopefully continued existence. I’m pregnant! We’ve created a life!

It was measuring 41 mms and at 10weeks 6 days although doctor said give or take about a week due to equipment inaccuracies, so we didn’t change my dates. Heart was beating at doctor’s guess, 150-160 bpm.

Well we're super duper excited, but probably won’t stop worrying until it’s full term and out of me. The next thing to worry about is the first trimester screening in 2 weeks for chromosomal abnormalities. Based on our family history, we shouldn’t have much to worry about, but you just never know.

We got the most amazing scans! They're beautiful and I even have a clear one of it's skull!!! So cool! Hubby said it looks like the Punisher lol. Doc tried to get a profile shot but the babe kept swimming around turning its back towards us. It was soooo cute!
The Punisher?

Baby's frontal head view:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Next scan tomorrow: 10 weeks 3 days

Just a tad bit nervous about the scan tomorrow because - you just never know and I absolutely hate surprises. I still feel "off" like not quite sick, but uncomfortable in my belly, and there's definitely some loss of appetite. And my boobs are really sore today... not sure if it's because I was in a push-up bra all day. I'm about ready to call it a day though, it's 9:43pm. Not sure if it's because I'm used to it by now, or perhaps my bloating has begun to subside? I don't constantly feel like an air balloon anymore.

Hoping for good news.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

More reflections 10 weeks

I had a relatively normal day yesterday, which is surprising since I've never felt worst the night before that. I was a bit exhausted around 4-5pm so laid around watching TV feeling a little moody. But there was no sickness. I can see now that from past patterns that my "morning" sickness is worst in the evening... probably because I'm tired and need a nap, but not only do I not get one, but this is the time when I return home from work and typically need to use energy to find food for humans and feed/play/take care of the dog and 1 new puppy. I would try to take naps, but I always fall into deep sleep instead and ruin the rest of my night cuz I get so groggy. At least now I have a pattern. Will need to find out how to make it better.

Friday, March 6, 2009

9 weeks 6 days

Morning sickness symptoms:
Beginning on 9 weeks 1 days, I had this nagging but minor nausea all day, coupled with constant hunger. I'll eat, it'll go away for a little while, then come back. It lasted 3 days. Then yesterday... it went away in the morning, then came back times 3 in the evening. I was supposed to meet my hubby and 2 friends at a restaurant at 7:00pm. At 6, I started losing my appetite. 6:30, nausea kicked in, this time, it was bad enough that I put my head over the sink, thinking maybe something might come out. None. So I canceled the dinner and went to bed at 7:00pm. 7:30pm my stomach was brewing up a storm... like literally. Wind kept passing out of me, it was like an upset stomach again.

Next scans:
On Tuesday (10 weeks 3 days), I'm having my next regular OB scan that I insisted on scheduling because I'm a worried wart. In a way I'm a bit reassured because of all my symptoms so far this week, and my boobs are still growing, but I need to see that heartbeat. Especially since the first miscarriage was at 10 weeks. Although I had zero morning sickness last time.

Two weeks after that at 12 weeks 4 days, I have a first trimester screening where they will check for signs of chromosomal abnormalities. If all goes well, I think this is the point where we tell family. Praying all goes well!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

8 weeks 5 days

Bloating is insane!! My hubby touched my belly and commented "it feels like if I stuck a needle in your tummy it will blow up"... yup! it's true, I feel like I'm going to explode anyways without the needle!

Well today, I felt completely normal. Not a minute of stomach problems or nausea, and of course my boobs are a little less sore (although still growing)... I even ate a lot of junk food like spicy potatoe chips... ok the only symptom I had, I think, was being constantly hungry (and sore boobs.. oh an extreme bloating).

But I can't help myself and got another scan scheduled at 9 weeks 3 days. Although I think I will postpone it until 10weeks 2 days so it would have been another 2 weeks + of growth. After this milestone, I think I can truly feel comfortable. That would make this the farthest pregnancy yet.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

icky 8 week 3 days

Haven't posted in a while, because not much as happened. But, today I decided to finally cook for my hubby - spaghetti w/polish sausage. I knew I wasn't going to have any because tomato sauce just grosses me out right now. But I didn't know cooking the pasta was going to make me lose my appetite too. Ew. I guess it really reminded me of my recent food poisoning episode which was a result of eating weird chicken spaghetti with hot pepper. *BARF*

So, I took a little nap until my upset stomach went away. Then ate some Asian-ish food that mainly consists of rice, oh that is not settling well with me right now. Better go chew a piece of gum and get that taste out of my mouth.

And I've napped at around 6 or 8 each night this week. Just all of a sudden get the wind knocked out of me and I fall sleep for about 2 hours.

One more thing:
Found out today the 3 antibodies (blood clotting) test I did on February 5 turned out normal.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Getting closer to comfort: 7 weeks 6 days

yay! Baby grew. We're measuring right on schedule, 7W6D or 8W. Fluttering heartbeat and everything.

This is reassuring. Doc will not see us for another 4 weeks, unless I get anxious again and will book another ultrasound at 10 weeks (they know me so well by now). I'll also be getting the first trimester screening which is I guess the nuchal scan? at 12 weeks.

So far, it's looking good. I also bought my first maternity related item - a belly band. Overnight, my tummy blew up and won't deflate like it used to after passing some wind. I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable right now just sitting in my pjs. I guess it might have to do with the fact that my uterus is now the size of a grapefruit!