Monday, March 16, 2009

11 weeks 2 days

My "morning" sickness has taken a turn for the worst. Last night I rolled around in bed with stomach pain, much like an upset stomach, until I had to get up to crouch over the sink and started heaving for the first time ever. Nothing came out, but I did feel a little better after some burps. So, I went back to bed. Several minutes later, the nausea came back and I kind of rolled around until I found a good position where I could ignore the nausea. I know I wouldn't have been able to vomit. I've not barfed once before in this entire pregnancy.

This morning, I woke up feeling fine, until I ate breakfast. I just had bran cereal with raisins, but it’s very unsettling in my stomach and the nausea returned until I had lunch. Couple of hours after lunch, the nausea came back! Nothing helps. Or maybe I'm just supposed to eat all day, every hour? I have no appetite though. Things I enjoyed eating last week are gross this week... like string cheese, yogurt, and toast.

The only thing I noticed is my bloating is going away. Well, just in size, because in actuality, my bloating is probably what's causing all this nausea, i.e. all that gas in my tummy.

Heart palpitations:
I've been having these since Thursday of last week. This morning though, they were so frequent and so noticable that every time my heart skipped a beat or beated an extra beat, I coughed. It was like a weird reflex... since it feels like when you're sick and your chest is congested. I think they were more frequent this morning because my heartrate sped up to 100 beats per minute. Later in the afternoon, it returned to 88bpm. Right now I'm relatively relaxed I guess, beating at 84bpm. You can find your heartrate by counting your pulse (neck or wrist) for 15 seconds, then multiplying that number by 4.

I've read palpitations are quite common in pregnancies because of the increase blood flow and thus your heart working overtime... but sometimes they could mean other more serious conditions that need medical treatment. If I become more worried about them in the next few days, I'll definitely consult my OB and maybe ask for some testing (thyroid and iron).

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