Friday, March 27, 2009


So my sickness in general has been much better starting 2 days ago. I don't have an upset stomach constantly anymore and when I feel nauseous, it's mild, and can be tackled immediately with food. Although, I had a huge preggo brain moment today. I was leaving the house and trying to set the alarm code, and COMPLETELY forgot what the sequence was - even though I type it in daily - and had no excuse... my hubby was like "that's unbelievable!"

Quite interesting.

Also, I can really feel my uterus now. It's very round and very bulgy in my pelvis area, and maybe about an inch above my lady patch. I also have somewhat of a real bump, whoo! During the day a lot of the bump is food and gas, but it's there at night and in the morning too, on an empty stomach. What a great yet strange feeling at the same time. It feels like someone inserted a whoppie cushion in your lower belly and is slowly inflating it. I guess I really notice it because I'm such a slender person and now my belly is being stretched like it's never been before.

Here's a new picture at 12w6d:

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