Thursday, March 19, 2009

11 weeks 5 days

Heart palpitations are more frequent in the past few days. Worse actually, because coupled with seasonal allergy, I'm getting congested and will start to cough involuntarily. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night unable to breathe because my toncils were swollen and I kept swallowing my uvula (the punching bag looking thing) in my dreams because I was struggling to breathe.

Last couple of days I also had another "scare" as my symptoms appear to be disappearing. Breasts were less tender and seemed less swollen, no morning sickness, although felt a little uncomfortable from gas, and I could no longer feel a firm area around my pubic bone that I believed to be my traveling uterus. Even though I am fully aware that around this time in the pregnancy is when the placenta takes over all hormonal production and therefore, I will start to get relief from the symptoms... you still can never be sure if it's the good reason or the bad reason.

But what are the chances now for me to lose the baby? Good solid heartbeat from 6, 8, then 10 weeks, even saw it wiggle, and it grew right on target, etc. If it doesn't work out, it would have to be because of my body killing it. *sigh* You just never know.

I didn't freak out though this time because - like I told a fellow forum member on babyandbump, symptoms do come and go - observe the progress for a week before committing an emotional response. Well, I did, and today I had nausea again in the afternoon lasting all the way until dinner time. My breasts feel fine as well... tender and swollen.

I hope you're doing well in there little baby. Mommy wants to see you in 7 months... very much.

One small thing I wanted to note: at 4pm today I had a gush of discharge that was dirty yellow in color, almost tan. That freaked me out. Wasn't sure if it was a little brown blood mixed with discharge. So I kept an eye on it for the rest of the day... and a nose too. I have a suspicion that it may be a minor infection. I can never tell. But at least I could conclude by the end of the day that it was not brown blood.

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