Friday, March 20, 2009

Good news, bad news.

Bad news first:
I have Bacterial Vaginosis... I noticed it yesterday when a gush of discharge came out and it was an odd dark yellow/tannish color. With all my courage, I took a wiff super close to my nose, and yes it had a bit of a fishy odor. I have no other symptoms like itchiness, etc etc.. but got cultures done today and will get confirmed results next week. Doctor said that there's a very very very very very very very very very small chance of preterm labor in second trimester, so when I get to 2nd tri, she will prescribe me with antibiotics to clear it.

Good news:
She brought in a doppler!!! I was so excited because symptoms were started to fade and I got a little unsure if I was still pregnant or not. So in about 2 seconds of listening, we heard horses galloping! It was baby! The heartrate was at 167, so she said baby was really active at that moment. This is my first time hearing baby's heartbeat, so that was super nice.

I think I will definitely rent one for a month. She found the heartbeat so easily!

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