Sunday, March 29, 2009

Doppler is worth every penny <3

I decided after receiving happy news from the first trimester screening that I was going to rent a doppler. At this point, my sickness is mostly subsided (just bloating and some very minor nausea some times during the day), and my belly sometimes shrinks. It won't be until at least 16-18 weeks that I'll get a real nice bump - so from now until then, there's nothing to reassure me that everything's fine. Well I decided to go with (in the US) because they were the only ones that costs the least renting month to month. $45 for a digital doppler which displays the rate of the heartbeat for you so you don't have to sit there and count it. Other places charge you $53 for one month, or $47 for 6 prepaid-months. So I ordered it on Friday afternoon, and to my pleasant surprise, it came Saturday morning!! BellyBeat rocks!

So the first time we tried, it took maybe about 3-4 minutes to find the baby's heartbeat. I had to aim it more towards my pubic bone. The second time (the next day lol), it took about the same time to find it but this time I was aiming more towards my belly button. Baby was pretty active too. :) Oh I'm so glad I got it.

I wonder if those popping sounds are from the baby moving around??

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