Monday, March 9, 2009

Next scan tomorrow: 10 weeks 3 days

Just a tad bit nervous about the scan tomorrow because - you just never know and I absolutely hate surprises. I still feel "off" like not quite sick, but uncomfortable in my belly, and there's definitely some loss of appetite. And my boobs are really sore today... not sure if it's because I was in a push-up bra all day. I'm about ready to call it a day though, it's 9:43pm. Not sure if it's because I'm used to it by now, or perhaps my bloating has begun to subside? I don't constantly feel like an air balloon anymore.

Hoping for good news.


Unknown said...

i was searching for info on basal body temps and your site came up. i'm praying for you! i had a mc in september 08 - after we tried the first time. we've been trying since and nothing has happened. no one understands what this is like -except those who've gone thru it. i don't know where to turn. good luck today!!!

Mommy to my girl said...

Thank you for your support! Making a baby can be such a mystery, but don't lose faith, it will happen. I've seen someone in your same situation who finally conceived 5 months later after the MC. Good luck to you! And oh yes, I was obsessed with my BBT, so hopefully my BBT related posts will be of some help to you.