Saturday, March 7, 2009

More reflections 10 weeks

I had a relatively normal day yesterday, which is surprising since I've never felt worst the night before that. I was a bit exhausted around 4-5pm so laid around watching TV feeling a little moody. But there was no sickness. I can see now that from past patterns that my "morning" sickness is worst in the evening... probably because I'm tired and need a nap, but not only do I not get one, but this is the time when I return home from work and typically need to use energy to find food for humans and feed/play/take care of the dog and 1 new puppy. I would try to take naps, but I always fall into deep sleep instead and ruin the rest of my night cuz I get so groggy. At least now I have a pattern. Will need to find out how to make it better.

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