Friday, March 13, 2009

In a textbook scenario, my "morning" sickness should start to get better starting this week or the next. I'm still getting sick at least once or twice a day. By sick I mean, some degree of loss of appetite, getting really hungry and eating a big meal that looked great before but completely regretting eating it 10 mins later because it leaves a horrible taste in my mouth and a real unsettling feeling in my tummy, getting a stomachache (I should call them gasmachaches because they're gas induced) while laying down trying to sleep or during sleep in the middle of the night, and I am still fatigued once in a while. Most common are those gasmachaches and loss of appetite, oh and the out of nowhere really hungry feeling that you can't satiate (like I'm having right now).

I'm soooo close to second trimester I can taste it... please please please please please let everything be fine. I want to have this child so bad. My husband and I are dying to meet him/her. PLEASE!

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