Thursday, April 2, 2009

Someone finally asked!

Omg, totally caught me off guard, but someone asked me if I was pregnant today! A nearby coworker whom I don’t work closely with, so it’s not like she sees me all the time.. but she stops me in front of the bathroom and goes “so, are you??” and makes a belly shape with her arms. I was trying really hard to play it off – like “why? Am I getting fat??”

I’m not ready for this to become public knowledge yet because… well I’m still scared of losing the child. But this totally caught me off guard because I was just looking at myself in the mirror thinking “oh good, my clothes hide my bloated tummy pretty well – no one suspects a thing”… Then the second I walk out the door, I get this ironic question!

Her reasoning was because I’m usually so skinny and lately I’ve been wearing baggier clothing. So I kept saying “well isn’t that what’s instyle?? The flowy tops with empire babydoll waist?” She’s like “noo….. but I won’t ask anymore” cuz I was making her uncomfortable since it was obvious I wasn’t going to admit yet.

But so now I’m mentally preparing myself for more questions as I get a little bigger and bigger each week – to the point where I can’t deny anymore.

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