Friday, April 3, 2009

Good news!

We got our first trimester screening results (combines your age, nuchal fold measurements, and blood test to determine risk of chromosome defects) and we’re in the clear! The ratio was something like 1:5,000 for downs and 1:10,000 for trisomy 18. Making a baby is ever so trying… but at least this is another hurdle down and we’re getting a little closer. My next OBGYN appointment is at 16 weeks in 2 weeks time. Hoping for only good news from here on out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrads! I looked around to see if you happened to be successful and I'm glad you are! I hope to know the feeling soon. My first son was born last year and passed away from a congenital condition called CDH, Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. He is so missed. His birthday is this May, I would so like to have his brother or sister on the way, soon. My best to you!