Tuesday, February 24, 2009

icky 8 week 3 days

Haven't posted in a while, because not much as happened. But, today I decided to finally cook for my hubby - spaghetti w/polish sausage. I knew I wasn't going to have any because tomato sauce just grosses me out right now. But I didn't know cooking the pasta was going to make me lose my appetite too. Ew. I guess it really reminded me of my recent food poisoning episode which was a result of eating weird chicken spaghetti with hot pepper. *BARF*

So, I took a little nap until my upset stomach went away. Then ate some Asian-ish food that mainly consists of rice, oh that is not settling well with me right now. Better go chew a piece of gum and get that taste out of my mouth.

And I've napped at around 6 or 8 each night this week. Just all of a sudden get the wind knocked out of me and I fall sleep for about 2 hours.

One more thing:
Found out today the 3 antibodies (blood clotting) test I did on February 5 turned out normal.

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