Friday, February 13, 2009

It comes, it goes...

It came. I still can't figure out if this is morning sickness, because typically, all I hear from pregnant peers is "I feel nauseous; dry heave; or actual vomit".... I don't feel any of those, except sometimes a tiny bit nauseous. Mostly what I have is digestion discomfort. My stomach felt upset all day today and most of last night. Like something wants to come back up (heartburn/indigestion?). And I have really loose stool (opposite of what typical pregnant women get: constipation).

Is this morning sickness? Or did I eat something wrong?

Oh it feels bad. I HATE upset stomachs. If you go back a couple of pages, you'll see that I DID have a real upset stomach/food poisoning episode not too long ago that lasted 4 days. I threw up 6 times. It's the worst!

I guess I just naturally have a grade D digestive system. Not surprising, my dad (56) was just diagnosed with acid reflux last year. His stomach is in pain constantly.

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