Monday, February 2, 2009

One more complaint about the fertility specialist!!!

He is OFFICIALLY THE BIGGEST MORON EVER IN A SUCCESSFUL PROFESSION. He FINALLY called me back after more than two weeks on the results of the endometrial biopsy that he ordered WRONG and had to reorder the test.. luckily they still had the sample. (They tested it for cancer instead of the growth of my uterus lining)... so he leaves a message on my phone the min I stepped away from my desk, of course.

He said "well, it looks like the test result showed your uterus to be at around cycle day 21-22, which we know it does not look good because you did the test on cycle day 25.. oh I mean 24. So you see, there is a 2 day delay in the development of your uterus lining. Typically to do a diagnosis, we will have to repeat one more endometrial biopsy. So call us again when you get another OPK + and we'll have that scheduled."

So as I'm jotting down all this information on to a pad, my heart is sinking because he's telling me I may have a Luteal Phase Defect. I'm currently pregnant. This baby stands no chance.

Then, being the borderline obsessive compulsive analyzer that I am, I put down the dates he mentioned onto my calendar and wait a second !!! I did the test about a week before my period came!! My cycle was 25 days last month.... so how is it that I did the test on cycle day 24!?!? As soon as I got home, I looked on my planner (which I left at home)... uh HUH, I did the freaken test on cycle day 21!!!!!!!!!!

Freaken dumbass!! I want to clobber him on the head with a broomstick! He didn't even bother getting his facts/information straight before he gave his patient the worst news ever? Oh and not to mention making the patient go through another extremely painful biopsy. OMG!!! I'm going to have to call the office tomorrow and talk to a nurse to get this straightened out. Is he ridiculous or what??

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