Friday, February 20, 2009

Getting closer to comfort: 7 weeks 6 days

yay! Baby grew. We're measuring right on schedule, 7W6D or 8W. Fluttering heartbeat and everything.

This is reassuring. Doc will not see us for another 4 weeks, unless I get anxious again and will book another ultrasound at 10 weeks (they know me so well by now). I'll also be getting the first trimester screening which is I guess the nuchal scan? at 12 weeks.

So far, it's looking good. I also bought my first maternity related item - a belly band. Overnight, my tummy blew up and won't deflate like it used to after passing some wind. I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable right now just sitting in my pjs. I guess it might have to do with the fact that my uterus is now the size of a grapefruit!

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