Monday, February 2, 2009

A week at a time

This is what I told my husband after getting some good news from the OB. I did another beta quant early this morning and they were able to get the results by afternoon... HCG went up to 6,414 from 2,153 in 5 days. So it took 3 days to double, which in this range, apparently, is normal. After you pass 1,200, the levels can take up to 4 days to double (on-line sources).

So a glimmer of hope, although I really will not rest until 12 weeks is past. That's 7 weeks away ;_; I'm 5 weeks 2 days today.

Even if we see the heartbeat this Friday (PRAYING TO GOD everyday!!)... I will still worry because the first time, we saw the heartbeat at 9 weeks and then it stopped growing at 10.

We're taking this one week at a time.

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