Saturday, January 31, 2009

No m/c just yet

I know the ultrasound tech told me that it didn't look very good and I'm likely to miscarry, but my basal temperature is still high, and I'm still having pregnancy symptoms. My boobs are huge and I'm gassy.

Also, my doctor called a little later yesterday after reviewing my ultrasound data, and told me that I was "right on track" and asked if they "told me something bad"? (*ahem* cuz I freaked out immediately after the ultrasound and asked to be seen by the doctor, who's at another location).

I don't know if I can put hope in any of her words because I feel like she's the type that hates delivering bad news and will sugar coat things until the inevitable. I mean, the tech has been doing this for 26 years, AND she was there to see the pregnancy, my doctor probably just saw the data. She said my gestational sac looked flat and irregular. She also said she saw movements outside of the sac, possibly my cervix? Asked if I was cramping - and you know what? In the evening for the past 2/3days, I've been having these dull achy pains in my uterus. They aren't stretching pains. I have a feeling she is right. I hope to God she is wrong, but she's been looking at pregnancies for 26 years... why would she tell me something so grim if she isn't sure?

Oh well. So far, the m/c isn't happening yet. I will get another beta on Monday. See how it's rising/dropping or not doing anything at all, then get another ultrasound on Friday at 6 weeks. If I last that long.

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