Sunday, January 4, 2009

Come on 2009 baby!

I'm trying to have faith. Hoping that the first 2 were just flukes. Friday, I got the results back from the specialist's office for the blood work and the endometrial biopsy. The nurse did a quick thumbs up or down over the phone. All of my blood work was normal and she specifically mentioned that progesterone levels looked good. The biopsy, she deferred the results to the doctor for interpretation. He needs to look at my temperature chart in order to interpret the results relevant to fertility. I threw out the HSG idea since 1. the authorization never came through in time, and 2. I'm really starting to believe that there's nothing wrong with me physically. Plus, we'd have to wait another cycle. I've already been waiting since October. I don't think patience can hold me any longer.

My follow-up appointment to get full results with the specialist is in two weeks. I'm going to be ovulating in about 2-3 days. So we're not even going to wait for the full results. We've officially "tried" today.

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