Monday, January 5, 2009

Full speed ahead

Never been more relieved to know I was wrong. I called the nurse again today to get some clarifications... she repeated my biopsy results: "no malignancy". I totally heard her wrong the first time on Friday! I thought she said I had malignant results! Doh!

I also looked up all the names of the blood tests and it looks like besides progesterone, the 7 or 8 other blood tests were all to check for abnormal blood clotting. All of the results came out normal. Other than having something wrong with the structure of my uterus, or having some genetic deformity with our chromosomes, there shouldn't be anything else wrong... to cause these miscarriages.

I tested ovulation today and it was a pretty clear negative. I'll test again tomorrow morning if I can get the "tools" into the community work bathroom (kind of embarrassing.) Maybe I'll just pee in a ziplock bag and throw it away in the sanitary baskets after I'm done. I'll come up with something not gross.

Otherwise, I'll test tomorrow night. I'm getting some signs of fertility as we speak.

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