Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Finally! FF detected my ovulation date.... for 3 days now I've been unsure if I ovulated at all this month because of such add temp patterns, as you can see above. You're supposed to have 3 consecutive temperature raises before ovulation is confirmed, so even though I got a positve from ovulation kit on CD12, I couldn't say 100% that I ovulated. Especially concerning was the temp drop on CD 15. Weird huh?

CD16 and 17, the temps continued to rise just slightly... so this morning when I found 97.66 (a drop) on my thermometer, my heart sank. Your temperature is supposed to keep raising, not drop, after ovulation, and especially if you get pregnant. But I think having my sleep disturbed towards dawn is what's causing these erratic temperatures. Who knows. All I know is I'm hoping to see dramatic drop for one day at around CD20-22, which would represent implantation. Or, second option is... nothing happens and I don't conceive, because I finally got the authorization for HSG testing today. :P So either way it would be a favorable outcome.
I guess this all makes me about 5 Day Post Ovulation (DPO). Could my boobs be starting to swell? It could be normal ovulation symptoms.

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