Thursday, January 15, 2009

Followup appointment with specialist

Finally the damn insurance shit is resolved. I don't know who dropped the ball, but, without going into details, I had to cancel my appointment twice because the first authorization expired and I couldn't get my results from the specialist unless I paid out of pocket, wtf?? So now, of course, I'm probably already pregnant (ha, optimistic yes), and I still don't know if there's something physically wrong with me that is causing me to miscarry. (good move)

Anyways, I finally have an appointment tomorrow at 3:45pm. HOPING FOR GOOD NEWS!
I'm brining in my charts of course, so he can tell me if everything looks "normal" and I have a good luteal phase.

Also, I notice I start off a lot of these posts with "finally"... baby making is a whole lot of waiting around isn't? Not fun.

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