Friday, July 17, 2009


Could it be that icy cold glass of peach ice tea or the mountain high plate full of BBQ I had for dinner that's keepnig baby up?? She's been squirming, rolling and jabbing in the midsection non-stop, honest to god, NONSTOP for over 30-45 mins. It's 11:25 pm!! She's seriously making me tired.

She actually has been super active today all day. Beginning in the morning 6am, jabbing me while I was lying sideways - trying to tell me something hun? Then every 30 mins or so I notice her little kicks. She might have fell asleep for a little while in 15 min intervals, but by 6pm, she poked, stretched, yanked, jabbed my belly muscles all the way until probably 8pm. for 2 hours, nonstop. And now she's at it again lol

Is mommy eating too much sugar? Uh oh. :)

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