Saturday, July 4, 2009

Third trimester!!!!!!

27 weeks today. I'm feeling many changes as I hit this milestone. In need of naps, knees & hip pain, belly feels really thin and stretched out, etc etc. Baby is very very active now (even though she had a lazy day yesterday). She's very kicky in the mornings between 7-12pm, then takes a long nap - sometimes waking up at 2-3 to exercise for a little bit, but mostly waking up at 8pm to do jumping jacks in my belly up until 11pm-12am.

Look at how shiny my belly is!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! What a beautiful belly pictures!! Congratulations. I loved taking pics of my big tummy asweel when I was pregnant. Two weeks ago I made a poster about my belly story in my little boy room, i thinkit's a great memory! Have you thought about the name? I took ages to choose mine (Marlow) and after several reserch online I vote as the best venue. I'm looking forward to reading you next post. Jo