Monday, September 14, 2009

37 week check up

Just got back from my 37w2d check up... this time the doctor checked my cervix. Nothing!

Baby hasn't dropped, no effacement, dilation, nothing. Not a thing!

It'll happen when she's ready, but I hope soon because she's getting too big and putting too much pressure on my lungs or some other critical organs, even though I'm carrying quite low. Speaking of which, every stranger guesses a boy and asks if I'm due any minute. HA, 3 more weeks! Joke's on me I guess.

I'm getting a lot more braxton hicks lately but all very random. Sometimes I notice it happens when my bladder's a bit full, and when the baby is moving too much... or if I'm laying in a weird way. They don't hurt and aren't really that uncomfortable, unless my bladder is involved. Then for 30 seconds, it feels like my bladder is going to explode.

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