Friday, September 25, 2009

39 week check up

Well - I guess I didn't gain much at all??? The scale at the doctor's office indicated only a 6oz gain from last week. I weighted myself at home and it's true... not much gained. This is weird because 3 days ago, I was 2lbs heavier. Was this water retention?

Well, baby is still about 7lb ish... not too big. Doctor's not concerned about her size. He said I was measuring 37 inches... not sure what that means.

Her head has dropped really low in my pelvis, but she's still not engaged. My cervix has not ripen, no dilation, no effacement. I'm still getting frequent but irregular braxton hicks that are not painful. But, I have not made any progress. Doctor said to keep my appointment for next week... which is my due date!

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