Friday, October 2, 2009


So what happened since yesterday morning.

Had a show.

Contractions slowed to about once an hour. Until about 12am. Started having regular contractions again 12 mins or so apart. I slept through the night, while waking up to most contractions. They were not too bad.

Got up this morning at 8am... contractions slowed to 20 mins apart... then 30 mins.

Had my regularly scheduled 40 weeks doctor's appointment... checked my cervix, voila! I'm in early labor. 2cm dilated, 70% effaced, and at -1 pelvic station. She said "good cervix esp for a first timer".

yay!!! "Could be any day now, your husband could help speed things up."

So, went home. Contractions were about 30 mins apart still. Had hubby "help".

Immediately, contractions came 20 mins apart for 2 hours and became a whole lot more intense. Wow it worked??

Since they were still pretty sparse, we decided to head out to a friend's birthday party. Nothing much progressed... until I got home... it's about 11:30pm right now and my contractions are coming 10 mins apart, and getting even more intense. I may just need to lay down with these contractions because the backaches are bad.

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