Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Friday

I woke up with the most intense need to hurl this morning. No, not pregnancy related. I think I've eatten something bad... or the daily advils I'm taking is burning a hole in my stomach. It's 3:52pm and I'm still feeling nauseated especially when I'm standing up. I've had 3 pieces of toasts the whole day.

On a different note, I've got a positive on my fertility test today, which means I'm ovulating as we speak. I've called the specialists office to check on my insurance authorization (obviously needed before they can schedule any tests for me, other wise it's out of my pocket), well everyone's out of the office. Happy Friday. I didn't hang up.. I made sure the receptionist leave the financial counseler a note saying "Call back ASAP. Patient ovulating. Need authorization to set appointments by Tuesday. Can not miss testing this cycle." I'm so demanding that the receptionist probably knows who I am by now. I mean, he didn't even need me to spell my exotic name.

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