Thursday, December 4, 2008

AF continued

Every morning, I wake up from the alarm, roll around in bed for another 10 mins, and jet out of bed into the bathroom because now I'm really really late. Of course, forgetting to take my basal temperature. Ugh. It's not a big deal yet, considering I'm still on my AF, which is pretty normal to my relief. First two days were quite heavy actually, and bright red, but today has been sparse. I'll definitely need to be charting starting in the next few days. I'm very much looking forward to the next week, especially the 10th through the 16th... why? They are the 8th through 14th day of my cycle, hopefully, my ovulation days. I've got my fertility strips ready for testing.

But maybe I'm getting too excited and obsessed again? What if I don't ovulate? Am I going to be extremely bummed out again? Ugh. I need to learn to pace myself and let things happen. At the same time, I can't really fault myself for being impatient since this is going to be my third try within the year. Please, all forces of the universe listen, and let the third time be the charm!

Oh and yes, tomorrow is the first consultation with the infertility specialist. I'm still not sure what I would like to discuss. I guess we'll start with our history and let them give us some options.

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