Monday, December 22, 2008

Endometrial Biopsy procedure

It was rather quick and simple, yet, painful and very uncomfortable. They stick a catheter up your cervix, in which it responds by trying to contract it out..... so that 10-15 seconds (which seemed like 5 mins)...that it's in your cervix, the entire time you're cramping intensely. I must say it reminded me of the first miscarriage when I had to take the tablet to rid of the discontinued pregnancy. The contraction was so intense! Then the doctor had to push it in and out of your uterus lining in order to suction out a couple of samples. It was pretty horrible. I wouldn't want to go through that again, but it's the same procedure for the HSG!! *dies*

I'm thinking of just skipping the HSG x-ray completely since husband and I are pretty sure there's nothing wrong with my uterus (typically, when the structure of your uterus is the cause of the miscarriage, it happens during second trimester), and obviously nothing wrong with our tubes since we're getting pregnant just fine. I really dont want anything stuck up my cervix anymore. Plus we'll get to try in Jan instead of Feb.

Will contemplate in shower...

Oh and they test you for pregnancy before the procedure since there's a 10% chance it could intervere with your current pregnancy. It was a welcomed yet sad negative.

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