Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday recovery

Took another ovulation test today just to make sure it wasn't a glitch the last time, and sure enough, there is only a very faint line.

My stomach is still churning from the stomach flu over the weekend, so today is resting day for me. Still having a bit of diarrhea. Yikes.

On another note, I finally got my infertility testing straightened out and scheduled. I have all the blood work on Friday, then on Monday I'm getting the biopsy done. When AF returns, I'll have to schedule for the HSG which will be done around cycle day 7-10. Hope this wraps up mid January and we get our results. We'll get to start trying around Feb, but I'm not sure I want to have a baby due on Christmas (as if we have the luxury to be chosey).

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