Saturday, December 27, 2008
Right on the mark
But overall, my cycle this month was really short, only 25 days. Very strange. Is it because they probed the crap out of my uterus? I've never had this before.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Post Christmas day
I'm having brownish tannish discharge. WTF? I never have this before a period.
(My period should be here in 2 days or so)
The financial coordinator still have not received an approval from my insurance company for the HSG test. It needs to be done approximately 7 days after the start of my period. So there's about a week and a half left to get this all squared away, which means, get approval AND schedule the exam. I'm letting fate be the deciding factor in going through with HSG testing or not. If timing is good, I'll go through and wait one more cycle before trying. Otherwise, I'm making an appointment to see the endocronologist and getting my results from the bloodtest and biopsy, and hopefully get to start trying this cycle.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Endometrial Biopsy procedure
I'm thinking of just skipping the HSG x-ray completely since husband and I are pretty sure there's nothing wrong with my uterus (typically, when the structure of your uterus is the cause of the miscarriage, it happens during second trimester), and obviously nothing wrong with our tubes since we're getting pregnant just fine. I really dont want anything stuck up my cervix anymore. Plus we'll get to try in Jan instead of Feb.
Will contemplate in shower...
Oh and they test you for pregnancy before the procedure since there's a 10% chance it could intervere with your current pregnancy. It was a welcomed yet sad negative.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Nightmare at the labs
Went a few blocks away to finish up some Christmas shopping where I got a call from the lab begging me to go back because one of the tubes was wrong. Fortunately for them, it was my day off and I was in a very leisurely mood....and I was still in the area. I said "no problem, I'll be there before closing". So they took 2 more viles of blood from my other arm. Oh my lord, 11 viles of blood taken. My veins are bruised.
Everything better be correct! I try so hard to make sure everything is perfect so it's done right the first time. Don't waste my cycle. I need to concieve asap, and that is by Feb! BBT charting
Here's my graph so far. I think it's pretty accurate to say I ovulated on the 12th, 13th, or 14th right? According to fertilityfriend, ovulation is confirmed after 3 consecutive temperature raises. My temp never decreased since the 12th, so I'm going to go with the first day of the positive. I need to pinpoint this to make sure getting the blood tests done tomorrow will be on schedule with my cycle phases. A day difference probably won't be that significant right? Right.
Also, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to fast... guess I'll fast and go to the lab super early so I won't starve.
By the way, I love this site and am considering paying for the VIP membership for a month or so. I love all the tools and calculators!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
It's so hard not knowing why.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Monday recovery
Took another ovulation test today just to make sure it wasn't a glitch the last time, and sure enough, there is only a very faint line.
My stomach is still churning from the stomach flu over the weekend, so today is resting day for me. Still having a bit of diarrhea. Yikes.
On another note, I finally got my infertility testing straightened out and scheduled. I have all the blood work on Friday, then on Monday I'm getting the biopsy done. When AF returns, I'll have to schedule for the HSG which will be done around cycle day 7-10. Hope this wraps up mid January and we get our results. We'll get to start trying around Feb, but I'm not sure I want to have a baby due on Christmas (as if we have the luxury to be chosey).
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Stomach flu
Anyways, the unfortunate thing about being sick is that I was not able to take my temperature. Saturday at 7am, I was puking. Sunday, I didn't even wake up at 7am. It was pretty crucial too, considering I had a positive ovulation test Friday and you need 3 consecutive days of raising basal temperature to confirm it. Oh well, they'll just have to go by my positive result.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Happy Friday
Monday, December 8, 2008
Reassurance over impatience
I have to be adament about recording my temperature and have to test for positive ovulation. All tests need to be done within a certain time frame of your cycle. I'm charting on :
The first one, Serum Progesterone, is done 8-10 days after your ovulation date.
Second one, endometrial biopsy, is done 6-8 days before your next menses (around the same time as above for me).
Third test, HSG xray, is done 4-5 days after the beginning of your cycle, so most likely will be around early January for me.
Then we're done and can go right ahead and try. However, would need to wait 2 weeks for the results. I have a feeling that will be around or after my next ovulation date. I would hate to miss another cycle, but it also wouldn't make any sense for us to do the tests but not wait for the results before trying again.
So in short, nothing has changed. I will wait until Feb to try to concieve.
Good news is my AF is completely normal. It stopped bleeding in 3 days and spotted for 2. As of Sunday, I've been free of it.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Infertility specialist appointment
All this would take about 2 cycles, in which you can not become pregnant. There's a 50/50 chance they will find something wrong, or nothing at all. So second plan of action is to check for genetic problems, which could take another cycle. In short, I can take about 3 months of testing to have a 50/50 chance of find something wrong and have 50% chance of being able to fix it, or not at all... and the flip side is that we may not find a single thing wrong and those two miscarriages occurred by chance - or "bad luck" as he put it. If that is the case, then I would have wasted 3 months of testing for nothing.
On the flip side, we could get pregnant this cycle, and either carry full term (no time loss), or have another miscarriage, wait around for at most 3 months before we find out the pregnancy is not viable... then take another 2 months for the miscarriage to finish, and end up right back where we are right now. Except then it's certain that we need medical intervention. But then I would have lost 5 months... and another baby. And would need another 3 months of testing before we could try again. That's 8 months of time lost. But I guess by that time, it doesn't really matter because obviously I have a very severe reproductive problem.
I'm not sure what to do. Try again and hope that third time's the charm, or have another miscarriage and get really angry at myself for consciously choosing not to test and correct any reproductive problems and killing another baby because of my actions.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
AF continued
But maybe I'm getting too excited and obsessed again? What if I don't ovulate? Am I going to be extremely bummed out again? Ugh. I need to learn to pace myself and let things happen. At the same time, I can't really fault myself for being impatient since this is going to be my third try within the year. Please, all forces of the universe listen, and let the third time be the charm!
Oh and yes, tomorrow is the first consultation with the infertility specialist. I'm still not sure what I would like to discuss. I guess we'll start with our history and let them give us some options.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
and best of all, NOW we can try! OMG the excitement is already out of control! whoo!
I'm going to start charting basal body temperature starting tomorrow morning. here I come!
Monday, December 1, 2008
A bit of internet enlightenment
I quote:
The first period after a miscarriage is rarely "normal". It can be heavier than normal, lighter than normal, have some clots, be very crampy or not crampy at all. One thing that is certain is that your first period will usually not be like anything you've had before. To make sure it is really your first period, make sure it has been at least four weeks since your miscarriage AND you have had about 20 days of no bleeding or spotting. For the estrogen threshold to be met, you should not be bleeding anymore. Otherwise the lining is not being rebuilt, and you are still experiencing progesterone withdrawal.Technically, when things go perfectly, your first period will not arrive until 4 weeks after your hCG levels reach zero. Since most women will not be tested all the way to zero (which is typically reported as "less than 5"), you will not know exactly when this will happen. In a normal recovery, it takes three weeks for the hormone chain to fire up again, and it will not be marked by bleeding or any physical symptom. You will only know that the new cycle worked by having a period at the end of it, between five and seven weeks after your miscarriage.More than likely you did have a complete miscarriage. If you had not, your hCG level would not have fallen to near zero so soon after the initial miscarriage bleeding. Unless this was a period that required a pad every hour or two for more than a week, I would not be concerned. I would say that it was simply the abnormal period that comes after a miscarriage.You probably should have been using a condom if you had sex within two weeks of the loss. This is because your cervix is slightly open then and you are very susceptible to infection. You may or may not have ovulated during that first cycle. Because your hormones are still trying to get back into a regular pattern again and your body is still healing, the general recommendation is to wait through 2 normal menstrual cycles before getting pregnant again.
So, I tested a HCG result of 7 on October 13. I'm guessing it would make sense for me to spot again on November 5th because that's about 3-4 weeks after the HCG most likely reached below 5. That could have been my abnormal first period after the m/c.
I don't know... I guess knowing all these details isn't really going to help me predict my next cycle and ovulation, which is ultimately what I'm trying to do: figure out when I can get pregnant again. But since I naturally miscarried, it could take several months before my cycles return to normal. I want to say "according to all of this, I really should be expecting my period this week assuming I'm still on the 28 day cycle plan." In reality, it could come whenever it feels like it... since my hormones are probably still so out of whack.
I broke down and called the doctor's office today and left a message for the nurse to call me back. But now ...I think I don't need any reassurance.
I'll just wait patiently and go ahead and make vacation plans for the next few months. I don't think I'll be getting pregnant any time soon.