Saturday, November 15, 2008

I think my prayers are answered... what I would say if I was spiritual. But finally the spotting, aka Little Red, might be stopping. Spot Stop. I can never say for sure though, cuz it'll be nearly gone in the morning, then it'll pop back in for dinner and stay the night too. A very unwelcomed lingering "guest". It appears, this morning, that LR has found something more entertaining to do than to nag me, and I'm free! We'll see.

I also got my first batch of cheapie internet fertility/ovulation and pregnancy tests in the mail yesterday. It was like receiving a gift. The instant I got it in my hand, I ripped the envelope open and tried both. Wishful thinking of course, because I knew I couldn't be ovulating or pregnant.. even though we did try for 3 days this month during the time I thought I possibly could have been ovulating, then Little Red showed up shortly after.

Anyways, after the disappointing results, I put the packages away in a dry place as directed and put away any unrealistic expectations to be able to conceive anytime soon. I sit here listening to Tori Amos' Somewhere over the rainbow and hope that Big Red will visit me next Friday and I can officially start trying again.

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