Saturday, June 15, 2013

every time i post about a new pregnancy

Something goes wrong.  after getting those braxton hicks and an achy crampy belly all night, I woke up the next day to have even more aches and pains in my uterus.  Thought maybe the baby was just kicking me too hard on the inside, so I ignored it and took my daughter to her swim lessons.  The entire time I was uncomfortable.  Went to JoAnn fabric store to return something and ended up bleeding all over the store.

Called 911 since blood was running down my legs and paramedics got there in 5 mins.  Was such a horrible panic since I had my daughter with me and I couldn't reach my husband on the phone.

Anyways got to the hospital and 3 hours later had ultrasound done to determine that there were no obvious threat.  My placenta was at the right spot and did not rupture.  Although there could be a tear somewhere.

I was observed at the hospital for 2 days to monitor the bleeding and contraction, which is now under control.  When I first bled at Joanns I was contracting every 3 minutes though they were not painful.  Doctor says it is caused by the irratation from the blood and he is not too concerned that they will put me in labor since he checked my pelvis and I was not dialated.

I am now at home on strict bed rest... laying down with zero activity.. only to go potty.  I don't know how to get to the shower as its on the second floor.

But good news is that I am 31 weeks today and the baby is about 3 to 3 1/2 lbs. We are taking it a day or week at a time.  Hoping to to reach at least 35/36 weeks, which seems so far away.

The baby is incredibly active, which is awesome.  And we are lucky to have a family member who is here to help with mommy duties which I can not tend to... biggest relieve ever.

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