Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Another contraction

10:44pm another quick contraction. This time I felt a dull ache in my back.


Went for a 30 min walk with hubby today at 7pm. My body especially hip and lower back ached all over because, well I'm carrying 27 extra pounds!! and I'm so stiff lately.

Soon after, I've noticed a bit more Braxton Hicks... didn't pay any attention to them. Until 8:20pm a contraction, 8:30pm a contraction, 8:45pm a contraction. Well, is this a pattern starting??

No. After the 3rd one, nothing.

Until 9:45pm another Braxton Hicks. I think they are starting to get a little bit more intense (or is this wishful thinking??) and I get headaches with each one. How odd is that? I'm watching the clock, hoping for another one... nothing.

10:35pm just now, another contraction. This one was a quick one, not even 10 seconds, but it felt stronger.

Come on, contractions, stop teasing me!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Still pregnant

Still no signs of labor. I'm getting more Braxton Hicks ... maybe once every hour or every two hours. I wouldn't call them regular, but I do notice them coming more. Oh, having one right now.

Went for a 20 min walk today in really nice weather. Will continue to do so tomorrow. My back/shoulder hurt because all sleeping positions are uncomfortable. They're all tense. Also getting constant mild sinus headaches. I'm tired. Come on baby.

Friday, September 25, 2009

39 week check up

Well - I guess I didn't gain much at all??? The scale at the doctor's office indicated only a 6oz gain from last week. I weighted myself at home and it's true... not much gained. This is weird because 3 days ago, I was 2lbs heavier. Was this water retention?

Well, baby is still about 7lb ish... not too big. Doctor's not concerned about her size. He said I was measuring 37 inches... not sure what that means.

Her head has dropped really low in my pelvis, but she's still not engaged. My cervix has not ripen, no dilation, no effacement. I'm still getting frequent but irregular braxton hicks that are not painful. But, I have not made any progress. Doctor said to keep my appointment for next week... which is my due date!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Growth spurt!!!

I knew I was getting bigger by how much my skin was peeling and itching, just didn't know how much.

Baby had a huge growth spurt in just 3 days! Look at my belly!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

38 weeks

I swear I felt baby swim towards my pelvis last night. She continued to headbutt my bladder for several minutes until I had to use the restroom. So based on that, she might have dropped just a little.

Took a picture and I think that may be confirmed:

Also, take a good look at my ever expanding stretchmarks... my badges of honor.

Doctor said she's estimated to be about 7lbs right now.

Monday, September 14, 2009

37 week check up

Just got back from my 37w2d check up... this time the doctor checked my cervix. Nothing!

Baby hasn't dropped, no effacement, dilation, nothing. Not a thing!

It'll happen when she's ready, but I hope soon because she's getting too big and putting too much pressure on my lungs or some other critical organs, even though I'm carrying quite low. Speaking of which, every stranger guesses a boy and asks if I'm due any minute. HA, 3 more weeks! Joke's on me I guess.

I'm getting a lot more braxton hicks lately but all very random. Sometimes I notice it happens when my bladder's a bit full, and when the baby is moving too much... or if I'm laying in a weird way. They don't hurt and aren't really that uncomfortable, unless my bladder is involved. Then for 30 seconds, it feels like my bladder is going to explode.

Sunday, September 6, 2009



Lots of stretchmarks under belly but you can't see it in pictures. *sigh*

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I missed the 35 week photo :( Here's a 35 week and 3 days.

Look at it compared to 22 weeks... this is the same dress. Whew~