Friday, July 5, 2013

fuck my water broke

No later did i make that positive post about being 34 weeks... that I fucking break my god damn water.

Maybe I had walked around a little too much today getting lunch and water by myself... or maybe it was due to sitting up too much at dinner and again for fireworks out in the yard... but at 11:50pm I got up to pee and ended up feeling water flowing out of my other area.

Saw a streak of something black when I wiped and ignored it cuz the fluid was clear and odor less.  i thought meconium was much more obvious than a little streak.  Well.. came into labor and delivery and nurse confirmed it was poop.

Now I'm strapped to the monitors to make sure he is OK..but have to wait a long while for any word on the plan of action because every damn doctor and nurse is busy.

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