Monday, July 8, 2013

birth at 33 weeks and 6 days

Apparently there was a bit of meconium in the water that leaked and both my husband and the OB recommended that I take him out by c section... so I got cut up for the second time at 7am on 7/5/2013.

Nolan was born 5 lbs 2 oz. 18 inches long.  He is a pretty good size at 33 weeks and 6 days old.  He had the cutest squeakiest cry I've ever heard, which made me bawl like heck.  Even though he had a great apgar test of 7/9, he was rushed into the nicu to get help with oxygen.

Meanwhile, I was trying to recover from my surgery and had to wait 12 hours.before i could see my baby.  It was horrible... I forgot how terrible having been cut up was.

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