Sunday, July 14, 2013

3 days old

Nolan has made great progress. Day 1 he was on oxygen, under a heat lamp, and placed on IV.  he had one episode of sleep apnea, where he did not wake up from falling asleep and his heart stopped.  this is common for that gestational age, the nurses had to wake him up.

then he slowly got taken off the oxygen, it was able to switch from the heat lamp to a regular crib, and started to breastfeed on day 2. He did great with latching on and swallowing.  So they started bottle feeding him when I did not breastfeed.

He is now up to 25 ml of formula per 3 hour feeding.  He drinks most of it.

pumping for nicu baby

The first day I pumped and got absolutely nothing.. had to just stimulate with pump for 20 mins then after a few sessions, I was getting a drop of colostrum.  I used a syringe to get those invaluable drops of liquid gold... had to hand express them out and only was able to get 0.1 - 0.2mls per session.  the nicu staff took whatever in gave them and mixed it in with formula.

The next day, I was able to hand express a bit more colodtrum, about 0.4 total per session, then all of a sudden, it seemed it dry out.  I couldn't get any more.  But the next few sessions reaped a few milliliters of colostrom-y milk.  I just continued to faithfully pump every 2-3 hours, and actually visited my babe in the nicu during every feeding to offer him the breast to stimulate production.  A pump could never create the same stimulation to your body the way a baby's suck could.

So by the 3rd day, my milk finally came in.  I was getting more and more... almost at 5-10mls now each session and almost catching up to baby's prescribed feedings, so that he didn't need to have formula as a supplement.  I was so proud.

Now, 9 days after birth, im getting way too much milk from pumping. exclusively is a new experience for me.  I get to see how much milk I'm much baby is eating... and it keeps my supply steady.  But also it has.turned me into a milk.cow... becuz I am producing so much milk that I get auto let downs after two hours of pumping... and full on soaking the breast pads during night time sleep of more than 4 hours.

I would like to switch to full time breast feeding... then I can slow down the production.  The pump is way too strong for my preemie appetite right now.  I don't need that much milk.  Yikes.

Monday, July 8, 2013

birth at 33 weeks and 6 days

Apparently there was a bit of meconium in the water that leaked and both my husband and the OB recommended that I take him out by c section... so I got cut up for the second time at 7am on 7/5/2013.

Nolan was born 5 lbs 2 oz. 18 inches long.  He is a pretty good size at 33 weeks and 6 days old.  He had the cutest squeakiest cry I've ever heard, which made me bawl like heck.  Even though he had a great apgar test of 7/9, he was rushed into the nicu to get help with oxygen.

Meanwhile, I was trying to recover from my surgery and had to wait 12 hours.before i could see my baby.  It was horrible... I forgot how terrible having been cut up was.

Friday, July 5, 2013

fuck my water broke

No later did i make that positive post about being 34 weeks... that I fucking break my god damn water.

Maybe I had walked around a little too much today getting lunch and water by myself... or maybe it was due to sitting up too much at dinner and again for fireworks out in the yard... but at 11:50pm I got up to pee and ended up feeling water flowing out of my other area.

Saw a streak of something black when I wiped and ignored it cuz the fluid was clear and odor less.  i thought meconium was much more obvious than a little streak.  Well.. came into labor and delivery and nurse confirmed it was poop.

Now I'm strapped to the monitors to make sure he is OK..but have to wait a long while for any word on the plan of action because every damn doctor and nurse is busy.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

34 weeks yay!

Well it looks like belly is growing fine.  Baby is very regularly active too.

Usually starting his day at 8/9am...then sleep and awake from 11-6pm on and off.  Beginning 9pm is his most active time.. nonstop rolling, punching, foot jabbing my right side and ribs, etc.  He is done exercising around 1am and stays pretty much asleep with few rolls here and there if I get up to potty or turn sides.  And awake again around 8am.

Compared to my daughter, he is much more active.