Saturday, May 30, 2009

22 week belly

It's moving up.
I feel uncomfortable sitting sometimes especially after a meal because there's no room for me to curl up. My body is so filled.

We're looking forward to a 3D/4D scan in about 4 more weeks (26 weeks). It won't be for medical purposes so we're paying for it outside of insurance. It'll be worth it to get to see our girl's little face before birth.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

21 week belly

One day late today, but here's my 21 week belly.

Went camping over the weekend and boy was it uncomfortable. Although baby was kicking like crazy on Saturday morning from 6am until at least 9am. Today she's a bit more quite... resting after the trip, most likely.

Friday, May 22, 2009

21 week OB appt

OB didn't change my due date saying a week or 2 difference is not of concern. She's just going to be a bigger baby. She said at this rate, she might be 8lb full term! ahhhhh. I'm scared.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I had the most horrid dreams last night...

First, I was bleeding red blood... thought I was miscarrying.Last time I dreamt I was bleeding - I actually miscarried a few days later (6weeks)

Then I dreamt I was stuck in a malfunctioning elevator that just kept going up and down and up and down and making me really really really ill. Was on the phone with the operator and she said "I can't do anything! It's got a mind of it's own!" So I had to try to escape from the top of the elevator while it would stay idle for a second... until it realized I was trying to escape and it would run again - this time, my body was half out of the elevator.

THEN I dreamt I was driving home by myself in a really bad neighborhood and thugs kept trying to chase to mug me. And I got shot in the neck by some thug kid with a air gun???
What a string of horrible horrible dreams.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

My 20 week bump and 100th post!

20 weeks:

Time's finally flying by. I'm half way through this pregnancy.

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's a.......

PERFECTLY HEALTHY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


She's also measuring ahead at 21w and 1d. According to my LMP, I'm supposed to be 19w6d, so we'll see if my OB changes my due date when I see her next Friday!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Why thank you Jen...

My coworker decided to announce my pregnancy today by just yelling it out loud in the middle of the hall way. I admitted I was pregnant to her last week since she asked about my belly... but told her I didn't plan on telling anyone unless asked cuz I'm not one to initiate that type of conversation. So this week she saw me walk by and asked if anyone had asked, I said no, so she rolled her eyes and yelled it out loud "P is pregnant!".


I had heads poking out of cubicles staring at me from all the way down the hall, shouting things at me that I couldn't hear, I was so flushed with embarrassment. I am not the kind to attract any kind of attention and now all gazes were on me. "show us your belly!" "No! That's embarrassing!" And I quickly turned away. I don't put on a good show, especially if you catch me off guard. Awkward is my middle name! argh!

But I guess now that the cat is out of the bag, I can wear normal clothes now instead of still trying to "hide" it... even though everyone came clean and admitted that they had their suspicions and were asking behind my back (which I preferred)... I just don't enjoy any kind of attention.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

19 week belly

19 weeks:

Strangers are asking me how far along I am now... and really catching me off guard. But look at how big mah bellah is!

Less than one more week until we can start buying pink frilly things or blue masculine things.

Transition pic from 10w - 19w:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I feel like a trampoline

I can feel baby bouncing on me! Yesterday it was positioned in a way where I felt it flicking on my bladder and cervix area... I kept feeling like I had to go pee. Today, it's bouncing around the same spot, but near my skin too. Odd sensation!

We received the new doppler yesterday and all is well. Baby's heart is beating and is making a lot of whooshing sounds (moving a lot).

Saturday, May 2, 2009

18 weeks belly pics

Funny from the front I don't look preggos.

18 weeks: