Friday, August 5, 2011

5 weeks bad news... 6 weeks better news

Last week at 5 weeks pregnant, I had a pretty bad bleed after sex that was bright red and looked like the start of a period. I thought that was it. Bleeding had always been the first sign of a miscarriage. Went in for an ultrasound the next day, we saw a gestational sac but no embryo. According to my dates and previous HCG levels, there should have been an embryo. So we took another HCG level to make sure it's not an ectopic pregnancy and to see where the it was heading, although fully expecting it to be a miscarriage.

After the appointment, I have had constant spotting. Brown spotting. Little bit on my panty liner, and a little bit when I wipe. Sometimes it's pinkish. And sometimes, it's a big clump.

Next day, they called with my HCG results: 8,500. 4 days ago, it was 3,326. It doubled in 3 days.

So they booked another ultrasound appointment to double check everything.

4 days later... today... a huge surprise appeared on the ultrasound monitor: an embryo with a heartbeat! Measuring at exactly 6 weeks. My dates say I'm 5w5day today.

I still have minor pregnancy symptoms but not as much as week 2 or 3. Heartbeat is a good sign, but my first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage after seeing a heartbeat at 9 weeks so... we're hopeful but not too much.

Took another HCG test today, will get results on Monday... and will book another scan for next week too.

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