Friday, January 8, 2010

Life is great, but awfully busy with a newborn

It's hard with life moving along to maintain blogs, but how I wish I had. It's wonderful to look back at how Lara developed... and me... how I grew as a mom. I am keeping a calendar with notes on Lara's new developments for each day, but no narrative of my feelings or reflections. Shame.

Lara's 3 months old already. She's getting so big, physically and developmentally. She's 4ozs away from 12lbs! I suspect she's going through another growth spurt, even though she had one last week, because she's waking up twice a night once again.

She's been only waking up once for the past few weeks. Mommy's a zombie again. She's now also giggling, smiling, talking, blowing bubbles and raspberries with her lips, tracking everything that moves with her eyes, and is just so incredibly aware of everything. So much fun to be around. Every little thing she does is amazing... even when she poops, it's a big ta-da. I finally understand and appreciate fully why first born are always so spoiled! I can't help myself but think she's just the most amazing thing in the world... everything is the best, no other baby compares... sheesh I'm raising myself a big brat, aren't I? I can't help it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi. I am new to your blog and have read your previous posts about TTC. Could you email me? I am having some of the same problems with my charting that no one can explain :) It would be great to have someone to talk with about it.